Principal's Corner
We are so excited to have your student at Opp Middle School this year!! It is our goal to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction . To ensure your child is making appropriate progress we want to stay in touch with you. We have many opportunities for you to be connected.
First, we can hold parent teacher conferences. To set up a conference , you can call the school or email the teacher directly. (All the teacher emails are listed on our Opp Middle School web page.
We also have an Opp Middle School Facebook page where we post important information. One Call Now is a phone call system we use to send home important reminders that will keep you updated on what is happening here.
Another way to stay connected at Opp Middle School is to volunteer. We have several events where your help is needed. Things like, “Lunch on Us!” or our special “Tech Days” all could use your help supervising our students. We have several committees that need a parent's input. Please let us know if being on a committee might interest you. We would be glad to have your input as we try to improve our school.
Extracurricular activities are a fun way to stay connected. We offer several sporting events your child can participate in or watch: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Cheer, Tennis, Cross County and Golf, Rocket Club to name a few.
Stay connected with our PowerSchool program. This program will allow you to check on your students' grades at any time. It is a web based program that most parents have on their phones. Call us if you would like to get access to this program.
So let's get connected to see what we can do together for our OMS students!!

Baby Shark and Grey`s Anatomy Dress Up Day